Brian Pratt

Brian Pratt

June 30, 2022

Coaching Experience: I’ve got more than 7 years of youth coaching experience in various sports including soccer, baseball, softball and volleyball. I launched the youth volleyball program at Upper Perkiomen YMCA and this will be my .second year coaching with Club Lehigh Power.

Coaching Philosophy: T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves More

Best Volleyball Moment: I was an OH/MB so every solo roof block ever, always got my team fired up.

My Life in Sports: Played every sport I could, even Rugby for a month or so. (ouch)

When I’m Not Coaching Volleyball…  I’m with my family, playing video games, or creating 2d/3d Art

Favorite subject in school:  Earth Science

Last Book I Read: Figure Drawing: Design and Invention: Michael Hampton. I need to read it many, many more times.

Favorite Movie: The Matrix or pretty much anything Marvel

Favorite Quote:  Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.

Person I’d Like to Have Dinner With:  Albert Einstein

Something You Probably Don’t Know About Me: I’m an Eagle Scout