Jess Nields

Jess Nields

May 17, 2022

Coaching Philosophy: My coaching philosophy is to let the players have fun while guiding them towards becoming better players. There will be a lightbulb when the player understands how to correct what I am coaching them on, until then I will help guide them to become a better player.

Best Volleyball Moment: My best volleyball moment was my senior year in high school when my team made the playoffs for the first time EVER in school history!

My Life in Sports: I started playing volleyball in 7th grade. I started as a hitter and transitioned in to a DS, and then a libero. I went to multiple camps to improve my skills. I played throughout high school. I played adult leagues in college and continue to play now!

When I’m Not Coaching Volleyball: I am either in the salon doing hair, working out in the gym, or at home working on a puzzle

Favorite subject in school: My favorite subject in school was child development. I enjoyed helping preschool-aged children learn and grow!

Favorite Book: My favorite books are Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Fault In Our Stars

Favorite Movie: Bridesmaids

Favorite Quote: “Passion first and everything will fall into place.” – Holly Holm

Person I’d Like to Have Dinner With:  My grandmother in Heaven

Something You Probably Don’t Know About Me: It took me over a year to get my standing overhead to serve down, so I understand how frustrating it is for players to learn to serve!