Coaching Philosophy: My philosophy is that youth sports teach us all valuable lessons we can leverage throughout life. These lessons can come from winning or losing. Key to all of these is discipline, perseverance and hard work. You are not guaranteed success if you have discipline, perseverance and work hard, but you are most assured of defeat if you don’t.
Best Volleyball Moment: A few years back I coached a 13s team where one of the girls could not serve overhand and get the ball over the net. We worked on that skill every practice. She worked hard and persevered but she just could not make it. At our last tournament of the year, in our last match I asked her to attempt an overhand serve…… and she made it. We lost the match, but that wasn’t what mattered.
My Life in Sports: I have been very involved in sports since a very young age, playing 4 sports in high school (none of which were volleyball ;-(. I started playing volleyball when I went to Penn State and it has been a lifelong passion ever since!
When I’m Not Coaching Volleyball: I am creating things out of wood.
Favorite subject in school: Computer Science
Favorite Book: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Favorite Movie: Christmas Vacation
Favorite Quote: The enemy of better is best.
Person I’d Like to Have Dinner With: Jesus
Something You Probably Don’t Know About Me: I have traveled to 47 of the 50 United States.