KOP 12-Powder 2025 ROSTER

HeadshotAthlete FirstAthlete LastJersey #Primary PositionAthlete HS Grad YearHeightCommitmentHighlightsHigh SchoolBlock JumpApproach JumpAthletic AccoladesHigh School CoachGPAAcademic Accolades
KOP 11 FireflyCatherineZangerle10Setter20324'9
KOP 11 FireflyCarolineWirt8Undecided20324’ 8”
KOP 11 FireflyZoeyStanek7Undecided20325'4"
KOP 11 FireflySarahRochwerger6Undecided20334’9
KOP 11 FireflyHarperRobinson14Undecided20324’7
KOP 11 FireflyMilaRicciUndecided20334’ 7”
KOP 11 FireflyJessPereira29Undecided20325'1"
KOP 11 FireflyChloeKrekstein20Undecided203259 inches
KOP 11 FireflyAlexandraEsteghlalian13Undecided20324 ft 10 in
KOP 11 FireflyZoeCox2Setter20334'7"
KOP 11 FireflySkylarCoxOutside/Right Side Hitter20325'3"
KOP 11 FireflyAu’BriBerryOutside/Right Side Hitter20325ft
KOP 12 ButterflyJazmineZhangUndecided20334 feet 10
KOP 12 ButterflyEmmaVillasmilUndecided20314'8"
KOP 12 ButterflySurahSuswellUndecided20314ft 10in
KOP 12 ButterflyMeghanRaimondoDefensive Specialist/Libero20305'1"
KOP 12 ButterflyLilyPengUndecided203257 inches
KOP 12 ButterflyGraceLanchoneyUndecided20314’7’”
KOP 12 ButterflySareenJavedDefensive Specialist/Libero20305'2
KOP 12 ButterflyVictoriaGengaroUndecided20314’ 10”
KOP 12 ButterflyYohanaCoreyUndecided20315 ' 1"
KOP 12 ButterflyRahaAflatouniUndecided20314’ 7
KOP 12 PeriwinkleNaomiTesfaye30Undecided20315.4
KOP 12 PeriwinkleLucianaStorti2Defensive Specialist/Libero20324'6"
KOP 12 PeriwinkleMaddieRomaniello13Undecided20325,4''
KOP 12 PeriwinkleAvaRaphael16Defensive Specialist/Libero20314’8”
KOP 12 PeriwinkleGabbyJohnson1Outside/Right Side Hitter20315'1"
KOP 12 PeriwinkleLayneGardner3Undecided20325’7
KOP 12 PeriwinkleCarlotaGarcia10Outside/Right Side Hitter20305' 7"
KOP 12 PeriwinkleSynikaGadibavi5Defensive Specialist/Libero20305
KOP 12 PeriwinkleLeahFedorchak28Undecided20305’
KOP 12 PeriwinkleHayleyCorbett4Undecided20315'6"
KOP 12 PeriwinkleJuliaBogdanowicz20Undecided203261 in
KOP 12 PowderGabrielleWike22Undecided20315 feet
KOP 12 PowderAriaTilghmanUndecided20324'9
KOP 12 PowderJolieRussell9Undecided20314'11
KOP 12 PowderTaylorRodgers11Outside/Right Side Hitter20325'0"
KOP 12 PowderCoraMontanez8Middle20315
KOP 12 PowderMeganMctamney4Setter20315feet
KOP 12 PowderEllaMasino19Undecided20315’5”
KOP 12 PowderTristanMamrosch10Undecided20325'
KOP 12 PowderOliviaKazanci21Undecided20315’2”
KOP 12 PowderEmmaBurton3Undecided20314'10"
KOP 12 PowderJessBoston13Undecided20315'4"
KOP 13 LightningCharlotteWilson13Undecided20305' 8"
KOP 13 LightningKatelynTester8Undecided20305'5"
KOP 13 LightningDariaSpera11Setter20305'01
KOP 13 LightningKatiePuleo10Defensive Specialist/Libero20305ft
KOP 13 LightningSophiaOz12Undecided20304-10
KOP 13 LightningAlyssaO'Grady5Defensive Specialist/Libero20304.9"
KOP 13 LightningNicoleNeducsin22Middle20305.62”
KOP 13 LightningOliviaLav24Outside/Right Side Hitter20305’0”
KOP 13 LightningGraceJoniec7Defensive Specialist/Libero20305’3
KOP 13 LightningIrisFricke18Outside/Right Side Hitter20305’7”
KOP 13 LightningJuliaFerri15Outside/Right Side Hitter20305ft
KOP 13 LightningBrooklynnDevitis6Setter19605 3
KOP 13 LightningChloeCarriker21Setter20305’1
KOP 13 SkyKaren “Katie”Ziedonis17Middle20305’9”
KOP 13 SkyAddisonStromberg30Defensive Specialist/Libero20305’1
KOP 13 SkyOliviaMaloney12Setter20305
KOP 13 SkyOliveKou22Outside/Right Side Hitter20305' 4''
KOP 13 SkyAmeliaGrune11Undecided20305'
KOP 13 SkyAmeliaFlavin10Outside/Right Side Hitter20315'6"
KOP 13 SkyEmilyFidler21Setter20305'6"
KOP 13 SkyAvaFalcone14Defensive Specialist/Libero20305’4
KOP 13 Skyvivienneedginton19Outside/Right Side Hitter20305'7"
KOP 13 SkyKateDiMartile23Setter20305'5
KOP 13 SkyMaggieDauphin18Outside/Right Side Hitter20305'5"
KOP 13 SkyCalleighChwastyk24Middle20305'10"
KOP 13 SkyCaitlinBachman26Middle20305 ft 7 in
KOP 13 StormSiennaStewart12Undecided20285'2"
KOP 13 StormChelseaShowell24Defensive Specialist/Libero20305’10
KOP 13 StormSavannahSapp16Setter20305’2”
KOP 13 StormMadisonMonley-Lewis13Outside/Right Side Hitter20305'4
KOP 13 StormReginaMiller13Defensive Specialist/Libero20305'4
KOP 13 StormTiffanyLi15Undecided20295'6
KOP 13 StormRileyKing21Defensive Specialist/Libero20295
KOP 13 StormEvelynJohnson29Setter20295'4"
KOP 13 StormAlexisFantauzzi22Outside/Right Side Hitter20305’7”
KOP 13 StormBrynCavaliere18Undecided20305'
KOP 13 StormSophiaBrey9Setter20305’4
KOP 14 OceanMirandaZima3Outside/Right Side Hitter20295'7"
KOP 14 OceanAlexisTyson19Setter20295'4"
KOP 14 OceanAvaRokosky16Middle20295’ 7”
KOP 14 OceanEmmaRhodes8Outside/Right Side Hitter20295’9’’
KOP 14 OceanGabrielleOyefara25Middle20295/8/25
KOP 14 OceanAnyaLiu7Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'6"
KOP 14 OceanSienaLewullis6Outside/Right Side Hitter20295'6"
KOP 14 OceanPaytonKerr12Setter20295"5
KOP 14 OceanEllaIsbrecht26Outside/Right Side Hitter20295ft 6in
KOP 14 OceanMischaCoverdale11Outside/Right Side Hitter20295' 8''
KOP 14 OceanKinleyBrock18Setter20295'5"
KOP 14 OceanLaurelArruda13Defensive Specialist/Libero20295’4”
KOP 14 OceanLexiAlderfer37Middle20295'10"
KOP 14 RiptideZoeWebster18Middle20295'9
KOP 14 RiptideKaelynWare5Setter20295'5"
KOP 14 RiptideMilaRitchie8Setter20295’7
KOP 14 RiptideEloiseResenhoeft25Outside/Right Side Hitter20295’ 7”
KOP 14 RiptideAnnabelMasterson7Outside/Right Side Hitter20295ft 6 in
KOP 14 RiptideCatherineLanchoney2Undecided20285’3”
KOP 14 RiptideSerenaHunter12Outside/Right Side Hitter20295'6''
KOP 14 RiptidePiperGross17Defensive Specialist/Libero20295’0
KOP 14 RiptideEllaFerry14Middle20295’10”
KOP 14 RiptideIsabellaDeSantis19Defensive Specialist/Libero20285'3"
KOP 14 RiptideHaileyCallahan3Middle20295'8
KOP 14 RiptideBellaBiddle9Middle20295'9"
KOP 14 SurfArielYu35Setter20295.5
KOP 14 SurfKieraWilliamson3Outside/Right Side Hitter20295’8”
KOP 14 SurfSophiaRichwine16Defensive Specialist/Libero20295'6"
KOP 14 SurfSamanthaRamirez9Undecided20295’ 7’
KOP 14 Surfjocelinmazza17Defensive Specialist/Libero20295 1
KOP 14 SurfLilliMartin13Defensive Specialist/Libero20295’1
KOP 14 SurfJonathaHoyesOutside/Right Side Hitter20285’7
KOP 14 SurfZoeDenenberg7Outside/Right Side Hitter20295'6"
KOP 14 SurfLexiClapp53Outside/Right Side Hitter20295’-4”
KOP 14 SurfAnnaBickley14Defensive Specialist/Libero20295'1
KOP 14 SurfAdrianaBailey8Setter20295’10”
KOP 14 SurfAdrianaAntonini24Setter20295’3
KOP 14 WaveCatherineVolpe15Defensive Specialist/Libero20295'3"
KOP 14 WaveMadisonTruskowski9Outside/Right Side Hitter20295'10
KOP 14 WaveSoniaTosco8Outside/Right Side Hitter20295 ' 2.5"
KOP 14 WaveKamiRohrbach7Setter20295'6"
KOP 14 WaveEmmaProsperi14Middle20295'7"
KOP 14 WaveGabbyMorris22Setter20295'4.5"
KOP 14 WaveSlokaMohan5Outside/Right Side Hitter20285' 6''
KOP 14 WaveCadenceJoerger48Defensive Specialist/Libero20295’ 2”
KOP 14 WaveSydneyJeremicz3Defensive Specialist/Libero20295'4"
KOP 14 WaveAvaHill21Outside/Right Side Hitter20305’5
KOP 14 WaveEuniceChung4Defensive Specialist/Libero20295" 1
KOP 14 WaveHaileyBauer1Middle20295'5"
KOP 15 BrightMadisonWalters14Setter20275’6”
KOP 15 BrightJuliaTobin6Defensive Specialist/Libero20285'3"
KOP 15 BrightCaitlynRix5Outside/Right Side Hitter20285 ft 3 in
KOP 15 BrightVarshiniPatil28Undecided20285'2
KOP 15 BrightSole'Kellam3Defensive Specialist/Libero20275'1
KOP 15 BrightSydneyCopeland33Defensive Specialist/Libero202963.5”
KOP 15 BrightDelaneyCarroll7Outside/Right Side Hitter20285' 7'
KOP 15 BrightGiannaBreese18Defensive Specialist/Libero20285'6"
KOP 15 BrightSamanthaBannon17Defensive Specialist/Libero20285'2.5"
KOP 15 BrightDelilahApp9Defensive Specialist/Libero2028
KOP 15 BriskCorinnevan Niekerk5Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'7''
KOP 15 BriskValentinaPortela10Defensive Specialist/Libero19605 feet
KOP 15 BriskZoeOikawa9Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'4
KOP 15 BriskRileyO'Connor4Outside/Right Side Hitter20275’6
KOP 15 BriskSarahKokas24Middle20285’6”
KOP 15 BriskVanessaHutchinson13Outside/Right Side Hitter20285’4”
KOP 15 BriskCameronHamilton14Middle20285'7"
KOP 15 BriskMaeveHamel8Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'7"
KOP 15 BriskHannahFrederick7Undecided20285'8
KOP 15 BriskKelliannCorey3Defensive Specialist/Libero2028
KOP 15 BriskBraelynBurgess6Outside/Right Side Hitter20285’4
KOP 15 CoolKaihannaWiley18Outside/Right Side Hitter20285’7”
KOP 15 CoolAdelaideWalter28Middle2028
KOP 15 CoolEmilyTackett56Middle20285' 11"
KOP 15 CoolIzzyOrchard4Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'7
KOP 15 CoolOliviaMartinak12Outside/Right Side Hitter2028
KOP 15 CoolKendallMamrosch13Setter20285’3”
KOP 15 CoolAzariyaLeftridge24Outside/Right Side Hitter2028
KOP 15 CoolMikaylaHamilton9Middle2028
KOP 15 CoolReganGrune16Defensive Specialist/Libero20285'2"
KOP 15 CoolMadisonDeLaRosa7Middle20285'6"
KOP 15 CoolBridgetDaley-Gibson26Undecided20245'7"
KOP 15 CoolChloeBoyd38Setter20285”3
KOP 15 ElectricEllyWhite21Middle20286'0"
KOP 15 ElectricAilveSong1Defensive Specialist/Libero20285’0
KOP 15 ElectricCatherineRinaldi8Setter2028
KOP 15 ElectricAnniePatruno27Outside/Right Side Hitter20285’7
KOP 15 ElectricAvaOkolo13Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'6"
KOP 15 ElectricKirstinMoran20Outside/Right Side Hitter20285”7
KOP 15 ElectricCamrynMcLean7Outside/Right Side Hitter2028
KOP 15 ElectricHarperMayes25Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'8"
KOP 15 ElectricKeiraLi17Defensive Specialist/Libero20285'0"
KOP 15 ElectricAnnaBracali22Outside/Right Side Hitter2028
KOP 15 ElectricCarolineBache23Setter2028
KOP 15 RockMikiVessal13Undecided20285'3"
KOP 15 RockBriannaSkelley12Middle20285'7"
KOP 15 RockPhoebeSatchell9Defensive Specialist/Libero20285 foot 5 inches
KOP 15 RockNoaOkutsu18Defensive Specialist/Libero20285.1
KOP 15 RockWhitneyOdiorne17Middle20285'9"
KOP 15 RockSylvieNeff15Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'9
KOP 15 RockMauraMcginley16Middle2028
KOP 15 RockRileyMcComb7Defensive Specialist/Libero20285 foot 7
KOP 15 RockMikaelaMakarov5Defensive Specialist/Libero20285'4
KOP 15 RockErinKaradagli2Defensive Specialist/Libero20285’4
KOP 15 RockLiviaEnnis11Middle2028
KOP 15 RockNevenConnor3Middle20285'7"
KOP 15 TrueEmilyNguyen3Setter20285'3"
KOP 15 TrueSimisolaMabogunje29Outside/Right Side Hitter202868 inches
KOP 15 TrueMalloryLawrence12Middle20285' 9"
KOP 15 TrueRyleighGunn11Outside/Right Side Hitter20275’8
KOP 15 TrueLaurenFields15Middle20286’0
KOP 15 TrueReeseFidler10Outside/Right Side Hitter20285'9"
KOP 15 TrueElizabethDetweiler18Defensive Specialist/Libero2028
KOP 15 TrueIreneCurry7Defensive Specialist/Libero20285'7"
KOP 15 TrueElleCoughlin46Middle20275'11"
KOP 15 TrueMakenaCahill22Setter2028
KOP 15 TrueEllaBogdanowicz13Defensive Specialist/Libero202864.5
KOP 15 TrueAvaAdams8Middle2028
KOP 16 ArmyLilyOlin11Middle20275ft 9in
KOP 16 ArmyMaryamMustaqeem6Defensive Specialist/Libero20275’4
KOP 16 ArmyZoeyMoua16Defensive Specialist/Libero20275’1”
KOP 16 ArmyAshtynMichael17Setter20275’7
KOP 16 ArmySophiaKauler12Setter202765"
KOP 16 ArmyGraceHu8Middle20285'4
KOP 16 ArmyEmilyHastie15Defensive Specialist/Libero20275’ 3”
KOP 16 ArmyKemaneeHarvey19Outside/Right Side Hitter20275’5
KOP 16 ArmyTillyGebhardt5Outside/Right Side Hitter20275'8"
KOP 16 ArmyMaggieBroderick1Undecided20285'4"
KOP 16 ArmyLeahBeers21Defensive Specialist/Libero20275"4
KOP 16 EmpireKaylaTilghman14Outside/Right Side Hitter20275'9
KOP 16 EmpireAvaTheiller3Outside/Right Side Hitter20265’-10”
KOP 16 EmpireMaeveStokes12Middle20276'0"
KOP 16 EmpireAddisonOchoa6Defensive Specialist/Libero20275'3"
KOP 16 EmpireJananiMuniswamy19Setter20265.6
KOP 16 EmpireSarahMoy5Middle2027
KOP 16 EmpireMiaMobley8Defensive Specialist/Libero5 5
KOP 16 EmpireHaleyMaloney7Outside/Right Side Hitter20275 10
KOP 16 EmpireJadynJohnson13Outside/Right Side Hitter20275’9”
KOP 16 EmpireSydneyFischer9Outside/Right Side Hitter20276'2
KOP 16 EmpireMadaraBungs17Outside/Right Side Hitter20275'11"
KOP 16 EmpireMarleyAngelucci27Setter20275'10
KOP 16 LibertyBrooklynWindfelder2Setter20275’5”
KOP 16 LibertyAstinSaft5Defensive Specialist/Libero2027
KOP 16 LibertyWillaRoberts-Beg14Middle20275'11"
KOP 16 LibertyBaileyRiley24Outside/Right Side Hitter2027
KOP 16 LibertyMaddieReese60Setter2027
KOP 16 LibertyAvaPreate20Outside/Right Side Hitter20275’7
KOP 16 LibertyAmeliaMarsano3Middle2027
KOP 16 LibertyVivianHighland13Defensive Specialist/Libero20275'3'
KOP 16 LibertyLaineyGroff7Defensive Specialist/Libero2027
KOP 16 LibertySofiaFantauzzi25Outside/Right Side Hitter2027
KOP 16 MarineErinZerbe10Defensive Specialist/Libero20275’ 6”
KOP 16 MarineEllaWunderley5Defensive Specialist/Libero2027
KOP 16 MarineRhesaVemula9Outside/Right Side Hitter20275.2
KOP 16 MarineSophiaKehoe3Defensive Specialist/Libero20275'3"
KOP 16 MarineSamHarris7Defensive Specialist/Libero20275'3"
KOP 16 MarineStellaDajao11Defensive Specialist/Libero202761 in
KOP 16 MarineReaganClements1Middle20275’7
KOP 16 MarineClaireChurch22Defensive Specialist/Libero20275 ft
KOP 16 MarineFouleyeCamara13Middle20275’7 “
KOP 16 MarineIsabellaBonner23Outside/Right Side Hitter20275’5”
KOP 16 MarineAlexyzAltmark2Defensive Specialist/Libero20275’3
KOP 16 NavyCallieWright2Outside/Right Side Hitter2027
KOP 16 NavyNatalyaSpychalski10Defensive Specialist/Libero2027
KOP 16 NavyGracePisarcik16Outside/Right Side Hitter20275'7"
KOP 16 NavyMiaPanesar6Setter20275’5
KOP 16 NavyMakaylaMacon11Middle20275'8"
KOP 16 NavySydneyKing18Middle20275’7”
KOP 16 NavyAllisonKerns3Setter2027
KOP 16 NavyGiselleFocht20Outside/Right Side Hitter20275'6''
KOP 16 NavyAudreyDorn9Outside/Right Side Hitter2026
KOP 16 NavyMakenzieBright99Middle20265’10
KOP 16 NavySarahBaylor19Middle2027
KOP 16 PatriotChloéTucker8Outside/Right Side Hitter20265’5
KOP 16 PatriotPeytonStomel27Setter20275'6'
KOP 16 PatriotKimmieSchrader22Middle2027
KOP 16 PatriotNicoleLadd13Setter20275’4”
KOP 16 PatriotRenataGuirao Cortes4Defensive Specialist/Libero2027
KOP 16 PatriotJulesFernandez20Defensive Specialist/Libero2027
KOP 16 PatriotNaomiEngle6Setter20275’9”
KOP 16 PatriotNorahEllis12Outside/Right Side Hitter20275'7"
KOP 16 PatriotHerbBailey2Outside/Right Side Hitter5'7
KOP 16 PatriotEvelynAmrein19Outside/Right Side Hitter20275’7
KOP 17 CobaltMarissaStorti2Outside/Right Side Hitter2026
KOP 17 CobaltGiulianaStorti1Defensive Specialist/Libero20265'6"
KOP 17 CobaltAliaSchmidt20Outside/Right Side Hitter2026
KOP 17 CobaltSaraRamírez4Middle2026
KOP 17 CobaltSarahPaugh12Outside/Right Side Hitter20266’0”
KOP 17 CobaltKaitlynLeberstien10Setter2026
KOP 17 CobaltSophiaGuglielmo5Outside/Right Side Hitter20265'10"
KOP 17 CobaltMarisaGuan16Outside/Right Side Hitter20265'7
KOP 17 CobaltZoeFolk15Defensive Specialist/Libero2026
KOP 17 CobaltAmiyaCarter11Setter20265’8
KOP 17 CobaltElisabethBaldwin14Middle20266'1"
KOP 17 IronSophiaThiboutot12Outside/Right Side Hitter20265’9
KOP 17 IronKathleenStubbing17Middle20266'1"
KOP 17 IronSienaRepici22Outside/Right Side Hitter2026
KOP 17 IronNoraPrince38Outside/Right Side Hitter20265ft 9 1/2"
KOP 17 IronAnyaPanesar18Outside/Right Side Hitter20265'7"
KOP 17 IronMollyMcFadden4Defensive Specialist/Libero20265'-2"
KOP 17 IronJulianneLacroix13Outside/Right Side Hitter20265 ft 9 in
KOP 17 IronSarahKovacs15Middle2026
KOP 17 IronHaileyKenefickSetter2026
KOP 17 IronPearlJohnson44Outside/Right Side Hitter2026
KOP 17 IronOliviaHrycyszyn3Defensive Specialist/Libero20265'0"
KOP 17 IronBridgetFlannery21Defensive Specialist/Libero2026
KOP 17 IronSamanthaCellucciMiddle20265’11”
KOP 17 SlateLoryaXu10Defensive Specialist/Libero2026
KOP 17 SlateChelseaWarren13Outside/Right Side Hitter2026
KOP 17 SlateNinaSalvucci11Defensive Specialist/Libero20265'3"
KOP 17 SlateEliseGerstle8Middle20265' 9"
KOP 17 SlateDiastalineDorsainvilOutside/Right Side Hitter20265’4
KOP 17 SlateElleniceDelgado7Defensive Specialist/Libero2025
KOP 17 SlateSuzyCornish4Outside/Right Side Hitter20265'8"
KOP 17 SlateJasmineChang16Setter20265’7”
KOP 17 SlateIsabellaBrown21Defensive Specialist/Libero20265’4”
KOP 17 SlateLeahBevenour23Outside/Right Side Hitter20265’7.5”
KOP 17 SlateVivianBajus17Outside/Right Side Hitter20265'5"
KOP 17 SteelStalenaVan Deusen7Defensive Specialist/Libero20265”8”
KOP 17 SteelHollandVan Deusen9Setter20265’8”
KOP 17 SteelEmersonSprings12Outside/Right Side Hitter20265’10”
KOP 17 SteelColbieMcKenna30Outside/Right Side Hitter20266' 1"
KOP 17 SteelAbigailMacMillan21Outside/Right Side Hitter2026
KOP 17 SteelReganHill3Outside/Right Side Hitter2026
KOP 17 SteelPeytonGroff10Setter2026
KOP 17 SteelChloeEsslinger18Defensive Specialist/Libero20265f 6i
KOP 17 Steelkaylaedginton19Outside/Right Side Hitter20266'3"
KOP 17 SteelEleanor (Ellie)Carickhoff8Outside/Right Side Hitter20265'11"
KOP 17 SteelMadeleineBush33Middle20266’2”
KOP 17 SteelNorahBusch14Middle20266'2"
KOP 18 DiamondClaireZangerle14Setter20255'8
KOP 18 DiamondJuliaTimoney17Setter20255'4"
KOP 18 DiamondAlexandraRivers12Defensive Specialist/Libero20255'7
KOP 18 DiamondMarloweRitchie9Defensive Specialist/Libero20255’9
KOP 18 DiamondAnyaPatel18Defensive Specialist/Libero20255 foot 3 inchwa
KOP 18 DiamondAvaNinneman21Middle20255’10”
KOP 18 DiamondKaylaHailey1Defensive Specialist/Libero20255' 3"
KOP 18 DiamondAbigailGilroy10Outside/Right Side Hitter20255'7"
KOP 18 DiamondMaeveDaley-Gibson26Middle20255'11"
KOP 18 DiamondArielCarter6Defensive Specialist/Libero20255’3
KOP 18 DiamondElizabethBolan20Defensive Specialist/Libero2025
KOP 18 DiamondFreyaBardulla4Defensive Specialist/Libero20255’5
KOP 18 DiamondVioletAbrahamsson37Outside/Right Side Hitter2025
KOP 18 RoyalCarolineWelsh24Middle20256’2”
KOP 18 RoyalKarolineSpringman17Outside/Right Side Hitter20256”1
KOP 18 RoyalDonavynMorris20Defensive Specialist/Libero20255
KOP 18 RoyalAvaLanzetta1Outside/Right Side Hitter20255’11”
KOP 18 RoyalElisaKremser35Setter20255’10
KOP 18 RoyalJanaJovanovic9Outside/Right Side Hitter2025
KOP 18 RoyalAddisonHertzog3Setter20255’9
KOP 18 RoyalReaganGaribaldi13Middle20255'10
KOP 18 RoyalHadleyEvans77Outside/Right Side Hitter20255'8"
KOP 18 RoyalAmandaBusk33Outside/Right Side Hitter20256’1
KOP 18 RoyalLaurenAngelucci27Outside/Right Side Hitter20255 '11
KOP 18 RoyalTylerAdams11Defensive Specialist/Libero20255 5
KOP 18 RoyalAimeeAbad5Defensive Specialist/Libero20255’3

2025 Schedule

Start DateTournament
KOP11 Firefly2/22iRoy February Freeze I (12U-14U)
KOP11 Firefly3/8iRoy Net Results I (12U-14U)
KOP11 Firefly4/5iRoy April Attack I (12U-14U)
KOP11 Firefly4/26iRoy Spring Fling I (12U-14U)
KOP12 Periwinkle1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP12 Periwinkle1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP12 Periwinkle1/25Queens of the court
KOP12 Periwinkle2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP12 Periwinkle2/15 - 2/17 Capitol Hill Classic
KOP12 Periwinkle3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP12 Periwinkle3/15Champions Cup
KOP12 Periwinkle3/22 - 3/23NEQ 2
KOP12 Periwinkle4/11 - 4/13JVA Summerfest
KOP12 Periwinkle5/31 - 6/1Nationals
KOP12 Powder1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP12 Powder1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP12 Powder1/26Queens of the court
KOP12 Powder2/1Force 12A February Freeze
KOP12 Powder2/22iRoy February Freeze I
KOP12 Powder3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP12 Powder3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP12 Powder4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP12 Butterfly1/5ECP Cup
KOP12 Butterfly2/82025 Nook Feb. Frost 12U
KOP12 Butterfly3/2iRoy March Mayhem II
KOP12 Butterfly3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP12 Butterfly3/15-3/16 Iroy Shamrock Smash
KOP12 Butterfly4/5 - 4/6 April Attack
KOP12 Butterfly4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP13 Sky1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP13 Sky1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP13 Sky1/25Queens of the court
KOP13 Sky2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP13 Sky2/15 - 2/17 Capitol Hill Classic
KOP13 Sky3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP13 Sky3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP13 Sky4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
KOP13 Sky5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP13 Sky5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
KOP13 SkyNationals
KOP13 Storm1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP13 Storm1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP13 Storm1/26Queens of the court
KOP13 Storm2/8 - 2/9iRoy Cupid Classic
KOP13 Storm2/15 - 2/16Prez Day
KOP13 Storm3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP13 Storm3/22 - 3/23 Champions Cup
KOP13 Storm4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP13 Lightning1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP13 Lightning1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP13 Lightning2/22025 Nook Feb. Frenzy 13U
KOP13 Lightning2/22iRoy February Freeze I
KOP13 Lightning3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP13 Lightning4/5 - 4/6April Fools Fallout
KOP13 Lightning4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP14 Ocean1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP14 Ocean1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP14 Ocean2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP14 Ocean2/15 - 2/17 Capitol Hill Classic
KOP14 Ocean3/8 - 3/9 Lucky Charm Classic
KOP14 Ocean3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP14 Ocean3/28 - 3/30Big South
KOP14 Ocean4/18 - 4/20NEQ #4
KOP14 Ocean5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
KOP14 OceanNationals
KOP14 Wave1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP14 Wave1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP14 Wave2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP14 Wave2/15 - 2/17 Capitol Hill Classic
KOP14 Wave3/8 - 3/9 Lucky Charm Classic
KOP14 Wave3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP14 Wave4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP14 Wave4/18 - 4/20NEQ #4
KOP14 Wave 6/15 - 6/16Summer Rumble
KOP14 WaveNationals
KOP14 Riptide1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP14 Riptide1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP14 Riptide2/1Force 14A February Freeze
KOP14 Riptide2/22iRoy February Freeze I
KOP14 Riptide3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP14 Riptide3/23iRoy Collegeville Challenge II
KOP14 Riptide4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP14 Riptide4/18 - 4/20NEQ #4
KOP14 Riptide5/3 - 5/4Coastal Clash
KOP14 Surf1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP14 Surf1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP14 Surf2/1Force 14A February Freeze
KOP14 Surf2/22iRoy February Freeze I
KOP14 Surf3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP14 Surf3/23iRoy Collegeville Challenge II
KOP14 Surf4/5 - 4/6April Fools Fallout
KOP14 Surf4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP15 True12/8Girls Kick Off
KOP15 True1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP15 True1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP15 True2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP15 True2/15 - 2/17 Capitol Hill Classic
KOP15 True2/28 - 3/2Sunshine Qualifier #2
KOP15 True3/7 - 3/9Adidas Bluegrass
KOP15 True3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP15 True3/28 - 3/30Big South
KOP15 True4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
KOP15 True5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
KOP15 TrueNationals
KOP15 Electric1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP15 Electric1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP15 Electric2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP15 Electric2/15 - 2/17Capitol Hill Classic
KOP15 Electric2/28 - 3/2Sunshine Qualifier #2
KOP15 Electric3/8 - 3/9Lucky Charm Classic
KOP15 Electric3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP15 Electric4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
KOP15 Electric5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP15 Electric5/31 - 6/1 JVA Summerfest
KOP15 ElectricWave 3AAU Nationals
KOP15 Cool1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP15 Cool1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP15 Cool2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP15 Cool2/15 - 2/16 Prez Day Showdown
KOP15 Cool3/8 - 3/9Lucky Charm Classic
KOP15 Cool3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP15 Cool4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
KOP15 Cool5/3 - 5/4Coastal Clash
KOP15 Cool5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP15-Rock1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP15-Rock1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP15-Rock2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP15-Rock2/15 - 2/16 Prez Day Showdown
KOP15-Rock3/1Iroy March Mayhem 15-18
KOP15-Rock3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP15-Rock4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
KOP15-Rock5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP15 Brisk1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP15 Brisk1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP15 Brisk2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP15 Brisk2/15 - 2/16 Prez Day Showdown
KOP15 Brisk3/1Iroy March Mayhem 15-18
KOP15 Brisk3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP15 Brisk4/5Spring Classic 15s
KOP15 Brisk4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
KOP15 Brisk5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP15 Bright1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP15 Bright1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP15 Bright2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP15 Bright2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
KOP15 Bright3/1Iroy March Mayhem 15-18
KOP15 Bright3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP15 Bright4/5Spring Classic 15s
KOP15 Bright4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP16 Empire12/8Girls Kick Off
KOP16 Empire1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP16 Empire1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP16 Empire2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP16 Empire2/15 - 2/17 Capitol Hill Classic
KOP16 Empire2/28 - 3/2Sunshine Qualifier #2
KOP16 Empire3/7 - 3/9Adidas Bluegrass
KOP16 Empire3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP16 Empire3/28 - 3/30Big South
KOP16 Empire4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
KOP16 Empire5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
KOP16 EmpireNationals
KOP16 Liberty1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP16 Liberty1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP16 Liberty2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP16 Liberty2/15 - 2/17Capitol Hill Classic
KOP16 Liberty3/8 - 3/9 Lucky Charm Classic
KOP16 Liberty3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP16 Liberty3/28 - 3/30 Big South
KOP16 Liberty4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
KOP16 Liberty5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP16 Liberty5/31 - 6/2JVA Summerfest
KOP16 LibertyWave 4Nationals
KOP16 Navy1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP16 Navy1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP16 Navy2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP16 Navy2/15 - 2/16 Prez Day Showdown
KOP16 Navy3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP16 Navy3/8 - 3/9Lucky Charm Classic
KOP16 Navy3/28 - 3/30Big South
KOP16 Navy4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
KOP16 Navy4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
KOP16 Navy5/3 - 5/4Coastal Clash
KOP16 Navy5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP16 Navy5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
KOP16 NavyWave 3 Nationals
KOP16 Patriot1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP16 Patriot1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP16 Patriot2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP16 Patriot2/15 - 2/16 Prez Day Showdown
KOP16 Patriot3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP16 Patriot4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
KOP16 Patriot5/3 - 5/4Coastal Clash
KOP16 Patriot5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP16 Army1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP16 Army1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP16 Army2/8 - 2/9iRoy Cupid Classic
KOP16 Army2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
KOP16 Army3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP16 Army3/15Force March Meltdown
KOP16 Army4/6Spring Classic
KOP16 Army4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
KOP16 Army5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP16 Marine1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP16 Marine1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP16 Marine2/8 - 2/9iRoy Cupid Classic
KOP16 Marine2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
KOP16 Marine3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
KOP16 Marine3/15Force March Meltdown
KOP16 Marine4/6Spring Classic
KOP16 Marine4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
KOP16 Marine5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP17 Steel12/8KRVA Girls Kickoff
KOP17 Steel1/4KRVA Girl Power
KOP17 Steel1/4 - 1/5ECP Cup
KOP17 Steel1/18 - 1/20 MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP17 Steel2/1 - 2/2 JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP17 Steel2/15 - 2/17 Triple Crown NIT
KOP17 Steel2/28 - 3/2Sunshine Qualifier #2
KOP17 Steel3/14 - 3/16Northeast Qualifier
KOP17 Steel3/22 - 3/23KRVA Champions Cup
KOP17 Steel3/28 - 3/30Big South National Qualifier
KOP17 Steel4/11 - 4/13JVA World Challenge
KOP17 Steel4/18 - 4/20Windy City National Qualifier
KOP17 Steel5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
KOP17 SteelUSAV Nationals
KOP17 Cobalt1/11ECP Cup
KOP17 Cobalt1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP17 Cobalt2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP17 Cobalt2/8 - 2/9Pennsylvania Kick Starter
KOP17 Cobalt2/15 - 2/17Capitol Hill Classic
KOP17 Cobalt3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
KOP17 Cobalt3/28 - 3/20 Big South
KOP17 Cobalt4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
KOP17 Cobalt5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP17 Cobalt5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
KOP17 CobaltNationals
KOP17 Iron1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP17 Iron2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP17 Iron2/8 - 2/9Pennsylvania Kick Starter
KOP17 Iron2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
KOP17 Iron3/18 - 3/30Big South
KOP17 Iron4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
KOP17 Iron5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
KOP17 IronWave 3 Nationals
KOP17 Slate1/11 - 1/12ECP CUP
KOP17 Slate1/18 - 1/20 MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP17 Slate2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP17 Slate2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
KOP17 Slate3/1Iroy March Mayhem 15-18
KOP17 Slate3/8 - 3/9 Irish Rumble
KOP17 Slate4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
KOP17 Slate4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
KOP17 Slate5/10 - 5/11May Madness
KOP18 Royal1/4 - 1/5ECP Cup
KOP18 Royal1/18 - 1/20 MLK Kickoff Challenge
KOP18 Royal1/31 - 2/2 OVR National Qualifer
KOP18 Royal2/8 - 2/9Pennsylvania Kickstarter
KOP18 Royal2/15 - 2/17Capitol Hill Classic
KOP18 Royal2/22 - 2/23 Capitol City Freeze
KOP18 Royal3/14 - 3/16NEQ 1
KOP18 Royal4/10 - 4/12The 18's National Championship
KOP18 Royal4/25 - 4/27USAV Nationals
KOP18 Diamond1/11 - 1/12CUP
KOP18 Diamond1/18 - 1/20 MLK Invitational
KOP18 Diamond2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
KOP18 Diamond2/8 - 2/9 Pennsylvania Kick Starter
KOP18 Diamond2/21 - 2/23Boston Volleyball Festival Wk 2
KOP18 Diamond3/14 - 3/16NEQ 1
KOP18 Diamond4/10 - 4/12The 18's National Championship
KOP18 Diamond4/25 - 4/27USAV Nationals
Boys16 ThunderDec 72024 Boys Kickoff
Boys16 ThunderDec 14 - 15Snowball Slam
Boys16 ThunderJan 4 - 52025 New Years Revolution
Boys16 ThunderJan 18 -192025 MLK Kickoff
Boys16 ThunderJan 26AAU Grand Prix
Boys16 ThunderFeb 15 -16Prez Day Showdown
Boys18 InfernoDec 7- 8Chi-Town Boy’s Challenge
Boys18 InfernoDec 14 - 15Rustbucket
Boys18 InfernoJan 18 -192025 MLK Kickoff
Boys18 InfernoJan 25AAU Grand Prix
Boys18 InfernoFeb 7-9Nike Steel CIty Championships
Boys18 InfernoFeb 15 - 17BANE National Qualifier
Boys18 InfernoJuly (Dates TBD)AAU Nationals
Boys18 ForceDec 14 - 15Rustbucket
Boys18 ForceJan 4 - 52025 New Years Revolution
Boys18 ForceJan 18 -192025 MLK Kickoff
Boys18 ForceJan 25AAU Grand Prix
Boys18 ForceFeb 7 -8Nike Steel City Boys Championships
Boys18 ForceFeb 15 - 17BANE National Qualifier
Boys18 ForceJuly (Dates TBD)AAU Nationals
Boys18 FusionDec 14 - 15Rustbucket
Boys18 FusionJan 4 - 52025 New Years Revolution
Boys18 FusionJan 18 -192025 MLK Kickoff
Boys18 FusionJan 25AAU Grand Prix
Boys18 FusionFeb 7 -8Nike Steel City Boys Championships
Boys18 FusionFeb 15 - 17BANE National Qualifier
Boys18 FusionJuly (Dates TBD)AAU Nationals
BuxMont12 Poppy1/12iRoy Chill Out Volleyball Cup
BuxMont12 Poppy1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
BuxMont12 Poppy2/1Force 12A February Freeze (Allentown)
BuxMont12 Poppy2/22iRoy February Freeze
BuxMont12 Poppy3/1- 3/2 Rumble in the Poconos
BuxMont12 Poppy3/22Liberty Belle March Madness
BuxMont12 Poppy4/12 - 4/13York Strong Finish
BuxMont13 Eclipse1/12iRoy Chill Out Volleyball Cup
BuxMont13 Eclipse1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
BuxMont13 Eclipse2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
BuxMont13 Eclipse2/22iRoy February Freeze
BuxMont13 Eclipse3/2iRoy March Mayhem
BuxMont13 Eclipse3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
BuxMont13 Eclipse3/22 - 3/23Beetle Bash
BuxMont13 Eclipse4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
BuxMont14 Tidal1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
BuxMont14 Tidal2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
BuxMont14 Tidal2/15 - 2/17Capitol Hill Classic
BuxMont14 Tidal3/22 - 3/23Beetle Bash
BuxMont14 Tidal3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
BuxMont14 Tidal3/28 - 3/30Big South
BuxMont14 Tidal4/12 - 4/13York Strong Finish
BuxMont14 Tidal4/18 - 4/20NEQ 4
BuxMont14 River 1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
BuxMont14 River 1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
BuxMont14 River 2/1Force 14A February Freeze
BuxMont14 River 2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
BuxMont14 River 3/1 - 3/2Rumble In The Poconos
BuxMont14 River 3/22 - 3/23Beetle Bash
BuxMont14 River 4/5 iRoy April Attack
BuxMont14 River 4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
BuxMont15 Indigo1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
BuxMont15 Indigo1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
BuxMont15 Indigo2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
BuxMont15 Indigo2/22 - 2/23Beetle Bash
BuxMont15 Indigo3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
BuxMont15 Indigo3/22 - 3/23Beetle Bash
BuxMont15 Indigo3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
BuxMont15 Indigo4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
BuxMont15 Indigo4/19 - 4/20Rise to the Occasion
BuxMont16 Cadet1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
BuxMont16 Cadet1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
BuxMont16 Cadet2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
BuxMont16 Cadet2/21 - 2/23Boston Volleyball Festival
BuxMont16 Cadet3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
BuxMont16 Cadet3/28 - 3/30Big South
BuxMont16 Cadet4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
BuxMont16 Cadet4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
BuxMont16 Scout1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
BuxMont16 Scout1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
BuxMont16 Scout2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
BuxMont16 Scout2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
BuxMont16 Scout3/15 - 3/16Grand Prix Maryland
BuxMont16 Scout3/22 - 3/23Beetle Bash
BuxMont16 Scout4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
BuxMont16 Scout4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
BuxMont18 Velvet1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
BuxMont18 Velvet1/18 - 1/20MLK Invitational
BuxMont18 Velvet2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
BuxMont18 Velvet2/21 - 2/23Boston Volleyball Festival
BuxMont18 Velvet3/14 - 3/16NEQ 1
BuxMont18 Velvet4/10 - 4/12UA 18's National Championship
Downingtown13 Twilight1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown13 Twilight1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown13 Twilight2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown13 Twilight2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Downingtown13 Twilight3/9 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown13 Twilight4/5 - 4/6April Fools Fallout
Downingtown13 Twilight5/4 - 5/5 Coastal Clash
Downingtown13 Twilight3/23Collegeville Challenge
Downingtown13 Moon 1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown13 Moon 1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown13 Moon 2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Downingtown13 Moon 3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown13 Moon 4/5 - 4/6April Fools Fallout
Downingtown13 Moon 4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Downingtown13 Moon 3/23Collegeville Challenge
Downingtown14 Ice1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown14 Ice1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown14 Ice2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown14 Ice2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Downingtown14 Ice3/9 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown14 Ice4/5 - 4/6April Fools Fallout
Downingtown14 Ice4/18 - 4/20NEQ 4
Downingtown14 Ice5/4 - 5/5Coastal Clash
Downingtown14 Ice5/31 - 6/1 JVA Summerfest
Downingtown14 Ice6/15 - 6/16Summer Rumble
Downingtown14 Snow1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown14 Snow1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown14 Snow2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Downingtown14 Snow3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown14 Snow4/5 - 4/6April Fools Fallout
Downingtown14 Snow4/18 - 4/20NEQ 4
Downingtown14 Snow5/4 - 5/5 Coastal Clash
Downingtown14 Blizzard1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown14 Blizzard1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown14 Blizzard2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Downingtown14 Blizzard3/8 - 3/9Lucky Charm Classic
Downingtown14 Blizzard4/5 - 4/6April Fools Fallout
Downingtown14 Blizzard4/18 - 4/20NEQ 4
Downingtown14 Blizzard5/4 - 5/5 Coastal Clash
Downingtown15 Chill1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown15 Chill1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown15 Chill2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown15 Chill2/22 - 2/24Sunshine National Qualifier 1
Downingtown15 Chill3/8 - 3/9 Irish Rumble
Downingtown15 Chill4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
Downingtown15 Chill5/4 - 5/5Coastal Clash
Downingtown15 Chill5/31 - 6/1 JVA Summerfest
Downingtown15 ChillUSAV or AAU
Downingtown15 Flash1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown15 Flash1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown15 Flash2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown15 Flash2/7 - 2/9Boston Volleyball Festival
Downingtown15 Flash2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Downingtown15 Flash3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown15 Flash4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
Downingtown15 Flash5/4 -5/5Coastal Clash
Downingtown16 Battle1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown16 Battle1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown16 Battle2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown16 Battle2/28 - 3/2Sunshine National Qualifier 2
Downingtown16 Battle3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown16 Battle4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
Downingtown16 Battle4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
Downingtown16 Battle5/4 - 5/5Coastal Clash
Downingtown16 Battle5/31 - 6/2JVA Summerfest
Downingtown16 BattleUSAV or AAU
Downingtown16 Victory1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown16 Victory1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown16 Victory2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown16 Victory2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Downingtown16 Victory2/21 - 2/23Boston Volleyball Festival
Downingtown16 Victory3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown16 Victory4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
Downingtown16 Victory5/4 - 5/5Coastal Clash
Downingtown17 Metallic1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown17 Metallic1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown17 Metallic2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown17 Metallic2/28 - 3/2Sunshine National Qualifier
Downingtown17 Metallic3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown17 Metallic4/18 - 4/20 NEQ 3
Downingtown17 Metallic5/4 - 5/5Coastal Clash
Downingtown17 Metallic5/31 - 6/2JVA Summerfest
Downingtown17 MetallicUSAV or AAU
Downingtown17 Shine1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown17 Shine1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown17 Shine2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown17 Shine2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Downingtown17 Shine2/21 - 2/23Boston Volleyball Festival
Downingtown17 Shine3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Downingtown17 Shine4/18 - 4/20 NEQ 3
Downingtown17 Shine5/4 - 5/5Coastal Clash
Downingtown18 Jade1/11 - 1/12ECP Cup
Downingtown18 Jade1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Downingtown18 Jade2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Downingtown18 Jade2/21 - 2/23Southeast National Qualifier
Downingtown18 Jade3/29 - 3/30MAPL York
Downingtown18 Jade4/10 - 4/12UA 18's National Championship
Berks12 Violet1/5ECP Cup
Berks12 Violet1/18 - 1/20 MLK
Berks12 Violet2/8February Frost NVA
Berks12 Violet2/22 - 2/23Blue Ribbon Brawl
Berks12 Violet3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Berks12 Violet4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks12 Violet5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks13 Cosmic1/5ECP Cup
Berks13 Cosmic1/18 - 1/20 MLK
Berks13 Cosmic2/1 - 2/2Charm City
Berks13 Cosmic2/22 - 2/23Blue Ribbon Brawl
Berks13 Cosmic3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Berks13 Cosmic4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks13 Cosmic4/18 - 4/20NEQ 4
Berks13 Cosmic5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks13 Orbit1/5ECP Cup
Berks13 Orbit1/18 - 1/20 MLK
Berks13 Orbit2/22 - 2/23Blue Ribbon Brawl
Berks13 Orbit3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Berks13 Orbit4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks13 Orbit5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks14-Coastal1/11ECP Cup
Berks14-Coastal1/18 - 1/20 MLK
Berks14-Coastal2/1 - 2/2Charm City
Berks14-Coastal2/22 - 2/23Blue Ribbon Brawl
Berks14-Coastal3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Berks14-Coastal4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks14-Coastal4/18 - 4/20NEQ 4
Berks14-Coastal5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks14 Bayou1/11ECP Cup
Berks14 Bayou1/18 - 1/20MLK
Berks14 Bayou2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Classic
Berks14 Bayou3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Berks14 Bayou4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks14 Bayou4/18 - 4/20NEQ
Berks14 Bayou5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks15 Dynamic1/4KRVA Girl Power
Berks15 Dynamic1/12ECP Cup
Berks15 Dynamic1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Berks15 Dynamic2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Berks15 Dynamic2/22 - 2/23Blue Ribbon Brawl
Berks15 Dynamic3/8 - 3/9Lucky Charm Classic
Berks15 Dynamic3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Berks15 Dynamic4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks15 Dynamic4/18 - 4/20 NEQ 3
Berks15 Dynamic5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks15 Wild1/11ECP Cup
Berks15 Wild1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Berks15 Wild2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Berks15 Wild2/22 - 2/23Blue Ribbon Brawl
Berks15 Wild3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Berks15 Wild4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks15 Wild4/18 - 4/20 NEQ 3
Berks15 Wild5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks16 Federal1/12ECP Cup
Berks16 Federal1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Berks16 Federal1/26KRVA Queens of the Court
Berks16 Federal2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Berks16 Federal2/22 - 2/23Blue Ribbon Brawl
Berks16 Federal3/8 - 3/9Lucky Charm Classic
Berks16 Federal3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Berks16 Federal4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks16 Federal4/18 - 4/20 NEQ 3
Berks16 Federal5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks16 Soldier1/12ECP Cup
Berks16 Soldier1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Berks16 Soldier2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Challenge
Berks16 Soldier2/22 - 2/23Blue Ribbon Brawl
Berks16 Soldier3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Berks16 Soldier4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks16 Soldier4/18 - 4/20 NEQ 3
Berks16 Soldier5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Berks17 Platinum1/4KRVA Girl Power (KOP)
Berks17 Platinum1/12ECP Cup (King of Prussia)
Berks17 Platinum1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge (Nook)
Berks17 Platinum1/25 - 1/26MAPL Hampton Roads (Hampton Roads, VA)
Berks17 Platinum2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge (Baltimore, MD)
Berks17 Platinum2/8 - 2/9Pennsylvania Kickstarter (Nook)
Berks17 Platinum2/15 - 2/17Capitol Hill Classic (Washington, DC)
Berks17 Platinum3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup (Harrisburg Farm Show)
Berks17 Platinum3/29 - 3/30MAPL York (York Expo Center)
Berks17 Platinum4/18 - 4/20 NEQ 3 (PA Convention Ctr, Philadelphia, PA)
Berks17 Platinum5/10 - 5/11May Madness (Nook)
Berks17 Sterling1/12ECP Cup
Berks17 Sterling1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Berks17 Sterling1/26KRVA Queens of the Court
Berks17 Sterling2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Berks17 Sterling2/15 - 2/17Capitol Hill Classic
Berks17 Sterling3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Berks17 Sterling3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Berks17 Sterling4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Berks17 Sterling4/18 - 4/20 NEQ 3
Berks17 Sterling5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Lehigh Valley12-Denim1/5CUP
Lehigh Valley12-Denim1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley12-Denim1/26KRVA Queens of the Court
Lehigh Valley12-Denim2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
Lehigh Valley12-Denim2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Lehigh Valley12-Denim3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Lehigh Valley12-Denim3/15Force 12A March Meltdown
Lehigh Valley12-Denim3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Lehigh Valley12-Denim4/5IRoy April Attack
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy1/11CUP
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy1/26KRVA Queens of the Court
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy2/22 - 2/23Capital City Freeze
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Lehigh Valley13 Galaxy4/18 - 4/20NEQ #4
Lehigh Valley13 Horizon1/5CUP
Lehigh Valley13 Horizon1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley13 Horizon1/26Queens of the court
Lehigh Valley13 Horizon2/8 - 2/9iRoy Cupid Classic
Lehigh Valley13 Horizon2/15 - 2/16Prez Day
Lehigh Valley13 Horizon2/22 - 2/23Capital City Freeze
Lehigh Valley13 Horizon3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Lehigh Valley13 Horizon4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg1/4KRVA Girl Power
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg1/11CUP
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg2/1 - 2/2JVA Charm City Challenge
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg3/8 - 3/9 Lucky Charm Classic
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg4/18 - 4/20NEQ #4
Lehigh Valley14 Iceberg5/31 - 6/1Summer Fest
Lehigh Valley14 IcebergNationals
Lehigh Valley14 Glacier1/11CUP
Lehigh Valley14 Glacier1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley14 Glacier2/1Force 14A February Freeze I
Lehigh Valley14 Glacier2/15 - 2/17 Prez Day Showdown
Lehigh Valley14 Glacier3/8 - 3/9 Irish Rumble
Lehigh Valley14 Glacier3/23iRoy Collegeville Challenge II
Lehigh Valley14 Glacier4/12 - 4/13Boardwalk Block Party
Lehigh Valley14 Glacier4/18 - 4/20NEQ #4
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic1/4KRVA Girl Power
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic1/11ECP Cup
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic1/18 - 1/21MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic1/26Queens of the Court
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic2/28 - 3/2Sunshine Qualifier
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic3/8 - 3/9Irish Rumble
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Lehigh Valley15 Mystic5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
Lehigh Valley15 MysticUSAV or AAU
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody1/4KRVA Girl Power
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody1/11ECP Cup
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody1/18 - 1/21MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody2/1 - 2/2Charm City Showdown
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody3/8 - 3/9Lucky Charm Classic
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody4/11 - 4/13NEQ 2
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Lehigh Valley15 Rhapsody5/17 - 5/18AAU Pennsylvania Super Regional
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina1/4KRVA Girl Power
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina1/12ECP Cup
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina1/26Queens of the Court
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challange
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina2/28 - 3/2Sunshine Qualifier
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina3/7 - 3/9Adidas Bluegrass
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
Lehigh Valley16 Carolina5/31 - 6/1JVA Summerfest
Lehigh Valley16 CarolinaUSAV or AAU
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia1/12ECP Cup
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia1/18 - 1/20MLK Kickoff Challenge
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia2/8 - 2/9Pennsylvania Kickstarter
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia2/15 - 2/16Prez Day Showdown
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia3/8 - 3/9Lucky Charm Classic
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia3/22 - 3/23Champions Cup
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia4/18 - 4/20NEQ 3
Lehigh Valley16 Columbia5/10 - 5/11May Madness
Lehigh Valley18 Sapphire1/12ECP Cup
Lehigh Valley18 Sapphire1/18 - 1/20MLK Invitational
Lehigh Valley18 Sapphire2/1 - 2/2Charm City Challenge
Lehigh Valley18 Sapphire2/8 - 2/9Pennsylvania Kickstarter
Lehigh Valley18 Sapphire2/21 - 2/23Boston Volleyball Festival
Lehigh Valley18 Sapphire3/14 - 3/16NEQ 1
Lehigh Valley18 Sapphire4/10 - 4/12UA 18's National Championships


First NameLast NameDivisionTeamCellEmailCoach Title
Denny WernerBerks17 Platinum
Brian JacksonBerks17 Platinum
NicoleWernerBerks17 Platinum
Steve KlineBerks17 Sterling
Konrad JarzynaBerks17 Sterling
SaraWesleyBerks16 Federal
CorinneCookBerks16 Federal
Paola MejiasBerks16 Soldier
Karina TorresBerks16 Soldier
Keith EckenrodeBerks15 Dynamic
Lindsey KornBerks15 Dynamic
Julia CraftBerks15 Wild
KatelynWilliamsBerks15 Wild
Brett AronBerks14 Coastal
TaylorAronBerks14 Coastal
Jeff GoodBerks14 Coastal
JobanyBedoyaBerks14 Bayou
PamelaWetzelBerks14 Bayou
Kathleen HartBerks13 Cosmic
JasonHartBerks13 Cosmic
Matt RoachBerks13 Orbit
JustineNoltBerks13 Orbit
Emily CornishBerks12 Violet
ReidKrickBerks12 Violet
DanPringleBuxMont18 Velvet
AlisonKrickBuxMont18 Velvet
BruceWaltersBuxMont18 Velvet
KurtGodfreyBuxMont16 Cadet
MorganShaeferBuxMont16 Cadet
HannahPringleBuxMont16 Scout
VivianaFragosoBuxMont16 Scout
AliCreedenBuxMont15 Indigo
SteveHayleyBuxMont15 Indigo
DamionLewisBuxMont15 Indigo
KyleHillBuxMont14 Tidal
SaraWeaverBuxMont14 Tidal
TimMoyerBuxMont14 River
DamionLewisBuxMont14 River
SuzanneWilsonBuxMont13 Eclipse
SophieMahonBuxMont13 Eclipse
EvanOrchinikBuxMont12 Poppy
EugenePlavnikBuxMont12 Poppy
AlisaHartzelBuxMont12 Poppy
Alex HeimanDowningtown18 Jade
Anna SchostakDowningtown18 Jade
MissyCaporellieDowningtown17 Metallic
JacqiHuttonDowningtown17 Shine
LexingtonEverettDowningtown16 Battle
NicoletteBilleDowningtown16 Battle
Owen SchostakDowningtown16 Victory
MaggieLinahanDowningtown16 Victory
RobMullinDowningtown15 Chill
RyanCampbellDowningtown15 Chill
Ava StasenDowningtown14 Ice
DeboraCarreiroDowningtown14 Ice
CraigBrownDowningtown14 Snow
KarenStasenDowningtown13 Twilight
Caitlin HughesDowningtown12 Neon
Joe GiumentoDowningtown13 Twilight
EdShultzDowningtown15 Chill
KellyJamaliDowningtown14 Blizzard
JeffFichterDowningtown14 Blizzard
Todd StareDowningtown13 Moon
Megan GigliottiDowningtown13 Moon
NicoleGoodrichDowningtown12 Neon
Emily FreeneyDowningtown12 Neon
MichelleGroffKing of Prussia11 Firefly
Peyton GroffKing of Prussia11 Firefly
LaineyGroff11 Firefly
StevenLieberKing of Prussia12 Periwinkle
AislingResurreccionKing of Prussia12 Periwinkle
CamrynScheetsKing of Prussia12 Periwinkle
Brynn MageeKing of Prussia12 Powder
MarrisaOrtizKing of Prussia12 Powder
EmmaGuareKing of Prussia12-Butterfly
XARIELValdez King of Prussia12-Butterfly
Isabella LeonKing of Prussia13-Storm
AdiDavid King of Prussia13-Storm
Harleigh ChwastykKing of Prussia13-Sky
Alana HudsonKing of Prussia13-Sky
Olivia Mcclain King of Prussia13-Lightning
Bridget DahnKing of Prussia13-Lightning
HayleyOakleyKing of Prussia14 Ocean
Katie Wood King of Prussia14 Ocean
Imani Uzzell King of Prussia16-Army
TwylaFitzgeraldKing of Prussia16-Army
VeronicaKirchnerKing of Prussia14 Wave
GrayceHendersonKing of Prussia14 Wave
SergioCarreroKing of Prussia14-Surf
Megan MazzaKing of Prussia14-Surf
StevenLieberKing of Prussia15 True
MickeyWitherspoonKing of Prussia15 True
LukaszBogdanowiczKing of Prussia15-Bright
AmeliaAndrewsKing of Prussia15-Brisk
Katelyn O'BrienKing of Prussia15-Brisk
Andres SaurezKing of Prussia15-Cool
Mel CotesKing of Prussia15-Cool
MeganFrostburgKing of Prussia15-Electric
Max NguyenKing of Prussia15-Electric
Mike LantzyKing of Prussia15-Rock
AlexPolowayKing of Prussia15-Rock
BriannaEllisKing of Prussia14-Riptide
MelanieWareKing of Prussia14-Riptide
KimAdamsKing of Prussia16-Empire
CameronJohnsonKing of Prussia16-Empire
JanelleGluchKing of Prussia16-Liberty
HannahDaltonKing of Prussia16-Liberty
Chuck MatthewsKing of Prussia16-Liberty
Jenna DeTempleKing of Prussia16-Marine
SoiphiaAndrews-SullivanKing of Prussia16-Marine
KiriamYordanKing of Prussia16-Navy
Nicole FullerKing of Prussia16-Navy
Melissa WhitakerKing of Prussia16-Patriot
AshleyMcloverKing of Prussia16-Patriot
Scott PincuraKing of Prussia17-Cobalt
MandyBoyerKing of Prussia17-Cobalt
SymirByrdKing of Prussia17-Iron
KaylaMastinKing of Prussia17-Iron
DaltonHines King of Prussia17-Slate
BuseSenKing of Prussia17-Slate
ChrisSmithKing of Prussia17-Steel
GinaCusterKing of Prussia17-Steel
Alana Hudson
CarlyeOdorisioKing of Prussia18-Diamond
Craig HellerKing of Prussia18-Diamond
ErikHertzogKing of Prussia18-Royal
KimFeeneyKing of Prussia18-Royal
KennnedyGarnhartLeLehigh ValleyhiL17-Titanium
MitchellShoemakerLeLehigh ValleyhiL17-Titanium
GabeWoffindinLeLehigh ValleyhiL16-Carolina
BJBlairLeLehigh ValleyhiL16-Carolina
Mary Kate PainterLeLehigh ValleyhiL16-Columbia
MaggieCatherinaLeLehigh ValleyhiL15-Mystic
CarolUlichneyLeLehigh ValleyhiL15-Mystic
KaliSchadLeLehigh ValleyhiL15-Rhapsody
MariaCurrieLeLehigh ValleyhiL14-Iceberg
MikeChyuLeLehigh ValleyhiL14-Iceberg
MelissaPerhamusLeLehigh ValleyhiL14-Glacier
SkyDavisLeLehigh ValleyhiL14-Glacier
AlexaKecklerLeLehigh ValleyhiL13-Galaxy
TerriCampbellLeLehigh ValleyhiL13-Galaxy
AllenCerulloLeLehigh ValleyhiL13-Horizon
CaterinaMartinezLeLehigh ValleyhiL13-Horizon
ChristianKiselicaLeLehigh ValleyhiL12-Denim
RhiannonAbrahamsenLeLehigh ValleyhiL12-Denim
AllyLamsonPhilly12 Sparkle
ElizabethWaynePhilly12 Sparkle
HarperStraussPhilly12 Sparkle
Igor Frayman Philly12 Sparkle
AlexPalmatierPhilly14 Creek
StasiaSumpaopolPhilly14 Schuylkill
JasonHuangPhilly14 Spring
Maddy KerrPhilly15 Grit
MeganMcGettiganPhilly15 Grit
Krystian ChapmanPhilly16 Freedom
Telise Davis-CarterPhilly16 Freedom
Lauren KirkPhilly16 Spirit
LisaValerioPhilly16 Spirit